Sunday, April 15, 2007

New acquaintances

Why is it that almost everytime when you have lost your faith on friends, or even better the whole mankind, something good hapens? Like me for instance, I had just burned myself in friendship for the thousand time and swore that I wouldn't have anything to do with anyone anymore, when I stumbled across the nicest person I have met in a long time. Let me explain little bit longer, there is this site where people keep their chosen pictures in public where they can be commented on. This site is also used in terms of communication between familiar or unfamiliar individuals. So I'm registered there and had some bad reactions on my comments that are ment as a friendly gesture, but are left unanswered or misunderstood by the receiver. I was about to destroy my whole archive of pictures there because of these reactions when this wonderful person started to talk to me via internet.
At first I thought this was the same as the other ones, who answer maybe tops few times and then nothing, but no, this individual was as willing to get to know new people as I was. And I can tell you, it felt great!
So ones again it was proven that there is hope for mankind in this modern society after all what it comes to interaction. Maybe we are not that rude and thoughtless as I had made myself to believe. Maybe there are some nice and kind people left out there.
But the question rises, am I one of them? I would like to be, but has my bad experience on interaction made me as thoughtless and rude as the others? I sincerely hope I haven't changed in to one of those spiteful people who only think of their immediate surroundings and forget about others and their feelings.

This is a reminder to myself and everyone out there, behave and remember that the next person you bump in to in your everyday life may be the person you fould like to share your life with in the future, as a friend or something else. And if you always reject these new acquaintances you may miss on something great and wonderful. You never know.

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